Colibri Gardens
Organic Farm
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Colibri Front Porch Country Store
Purchase eggs, pork and beef by the cut at our
Our customers tell us they have never tasted meat and eggs with so much flavor!
What makes us special is our personal connection to all our animals.
They are all part of the family, and we raise them with kindness, love and care- and we know it shows in the quality of our food.
Come see and taste food raised the old fashioned way-
always organic, always good for you, the animals, and the land!
We are just 8 minutes up the road from Washougal! Just take Hwy 14 east 7 miles from Washougal and turn left on Belle Center Road. We are just a little over a mile up on the right side of the road. Just look for our large green sign for Colibri Gardens Organic Farm. That's us!
Drive past the barn and up to the house, and you'll see why we call it the Front Porch Country Store!