Colibri Gardens
Organic Farm

Animal Care
Goat basics and learning to milk
Learn how to milk a goat by hand! This hands-on class will have you milking in no time! We will cover everything from basic goat care, feeding, and socializing to proper milking techniques and handling of milk. Snuggle with our incredibly friendly goats in this introduction to living with the friendliest barn animal around, including practical goat fencing, pasture management for goats, housing, hoof care and basic medical needs to keep your goats healthy, happy and safe. We will also discuss the benefits of guardian dogs and llamas.
Raising healthy, happy, organic chickens
Come meet our chickens and learn everything you need to know about raising and caring for laying hens from where to get your chicks, proper housing and keeping the girls safe from predators to how to feed your girls for the best tasting, organic eggs, including how to care for the most common laying hen medical issues. And yes, we will talk about roosters too!
Cost: $35
Class runs from: 8:30 am-10:30 am
Next Available Class dates: If you are interested in taking this class please call to schedule! We milk every morning and prefer to have one or two students so you get the most out of this experience!